Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity
坎城創意節(Cannes Lions)創立於1954年。當時,受到坎城影展的啟發,全球影片廣告組織(worldwide cinema screen advertising contractors,SAWA)認為,廣告影片也應該受到應有的認同,因此創辦了第一屆國際廣告影片展。第一屆的國際廣告影片展於威尼斯舉行,並以威尼斯聖馬可廣場上的石獅為靈感,設計了國際廣告影片展的獅子獎座。第二屆的國際廣告影片展於蒙地卡羅舉行,第三屆移師也名為「獅城」的坎城舉行,此後於威尼斯及坎城兩地輪流舉辦,直到1984年,決定以坎城為永久的固定舉辦地,國際廣告節因此以坎城廣告節知名。而為了反映行銷傳播產業的多元化,坎城廣告節又於2010年11月正式更名為坎城國際創意節。
在今天,坎城已經成為每年超過85個國家與市場2萬8千多件作品參加競賽,一萬多位來自全球廣告業代表出席參加的全球最大國際廣告盛會。每年六月的 最後一週,一個星期的展期內,提供超過50場講座,10場大師課,20多場工作坊等。是所有想要持續跟上廣告產業創新腳步的廣告人不可錯過的學習與交流盛會。
除了每年六月的坎城創意節外,坎城還分別於每年三月、九月、十二月於杜拜、新加坡、以及歐洲一大城市舉辦Dubai Lynx中東廣告節、Spikes Asia亞洲廣告節,以及Eurobest歐洲廣告節。並將於2011年起,於每年五月在上海舉辦Asian Effectiveness Awards亞洲行銷效果獎。
坎城創意節也在近年來持續推出全球創意的專業培訓與競賽,其中包括與當今行銷傳播創意管理最高學府,柏林創意管理學院(Berlin School of Creative Leadership)自2010年開始於每年坎城創意節會期前於柏林與會期中於坎城舉辦,共兩週的坎城創意領導課程 (Cannes Creative Leaders Programme)。也是與柏林創意管理學院合作,於2010年歐洲廣告節期間首次於歐洲廣告節舉辦4天的未來創意領導課程(Future Creative Leaders Programme)。並另外舉辦由全球28歲以下的年輕廣告人參與競賽的平面青年創意競賽、媒體青年創意競賽、網路青年創意競賽,影片青年創意競賽四項青年創意競賽,以及由30歲以下行銷者參加的青年行銷者競賽。此外,坎城每年也選拔來自全球約30位學生代表參加廣告學苑。並每年頒發年度廣告客戶獎,年度媒體人物獎,年度代理商,年度媒體代理商,年度互動代理商,年度製作公司,年度公益大獎等特別獎。
Each year, Cannes Lions strives to provide inspiration to our international delegates in every way possible. That inspiration, as everyone knows, can come from anywhere.
So we're launching a new initiative this year: CannesAlso.
The idea:
... is simple: creatives in agencies often produce art in their spare time. This year there will be an exhibition of this work in Cannes. In its first year, the exhibition will focus on photography.
Get Your Photos in 'The Big Book'
Working in partnership with The Brand Union, Lambie-Nairn, Getty Images and Clear Channel, the CannesAlso exhibition will be held outside of the Palais des Festivals in Cannes during Festival week. They will be exhibited in the form of The Big Book.
Photographs submitted will be printed in a giant book during the Festival that delegates will be able to walk through and interact with.
How it works:
Anyone who dabbles in photography, from utter beginner to semi-professional, can enter up to three pieces into CannesAlso. It's free to enter.
Later this month, you'll be alerted if your photos have been selected for inclusion in the book.
If you have any questions about this competition, please email
Rankin has been confirmed as a guest judge for CannesAlso 2011, working with The Brand Union and Lambie-Nairn to select the images that will be part of the inaugural exhibition.
簡單來說 CannesAlso 是坎城國際廣告節第一次辦的攝影比賽,報名不用錢。
2011/5/12 收到這封信
Dear Chen,
Thank you for your submission into the CannesAlso photography exhibition.
I'm writing to say that your photos have made the second round of judging. In order to proceed, we'd like to ask you to submit high-resolution versions of your photos if you haven't already.
The ideal resolution is 600dpi at A3. Please could you do so by Friday evening, 13 May by clicking here:
If you have any problems, please email
Congratulations for getting this far. Rankin will be looking at your pictures this weekend to make the final selection.
Many thanks again for your participation.
Senta Slingerland
Head of Digital & Creative
(簡單中文翻譯: 你的照片入選第二輪,需要高解析度的照片。)
2011/6/2 收到這封信
Dear Chen
Thank you again for your submission into the CannesAlso photography exhibition.
The winners, as selected by Rankin, have now been announced. They are:
Roberto Muñoz, from Pindaro in the Dominican Republic
title: Girl in an Orphanage in Dominican Republic
Fouad Abdel Malak, from Impact BBDO in the UAE
title: Venezuelan Model
Karl Gillebert, from Karl Xéna in France
title: Miroir Ténébreux
Nayef Zacca, from Strategies in Egypt
title: Set Me Free
Reginald Van de Velde, from These Days in Belgium
title: l'Autoroute de l'Avenir
Harald Benz, from squarehead in Canada
title: Docks
Ewa Zakrzewska, from Starcom MediaVest Group in Poland
title: Back in the 1930s
Keith Melder, from The Campaign Palace in Australia
title: HSS02
Ana Oliveira Rovati, from Ana Oliveira Rovati in Brazil
title: Cuba
Jerald Packiasamy, from Still Waters Films Private Limited in India
title: The Mighty
Benjamin Kaufman, from 7Films in South Africa
title: The Exuberant Elder
These photos will be exhibited within The Big Book as winners.
Your photos, however, will also be printed in Book as shortlisted work. Your photos will appear smaller than the winning photos and further back in the Book but they will be included for the entire week of the Festival, credited with your name.
Hope you'll be in Cannes to see it. If not, we'll make sure lots of pictures are posted on our site during the week.
Thanks again for participating.
Best regards,
Senta Slingerland
Head of Digital & Creative
Ambiguous Ocean
a shutter speed cannot fix lighting,
a camera movement cannot get clear image.
this is ambiguous.